A full term baby bump!
The bump is the first thing people see...it's like it's own identity now.
If I'm coming around a corner, look out! Baby girl pops out before the rest of me does.
- I can't believe we are full term already. Where have the past nine months gone? This little one can come now, whenever she's ready!
- I've been having more and more and stronger Braxton Hicks contractions, and baby girl's head is "very low" according to the doc. No progress other than that, but we're working on it. :)
- My hip pain is much improved with the help of my chiropractor and physical therapy. My plan is to walk/ride the stationary bike to try and keep her moving in the right direction!
- My last night of work was this week, so I'm officially on maternity leave. Not sure when/how/if I'll be going back once the baby arrives.
- I can't even tell you how excited I am about having some time off and getting to enjoy this time of year. This will be the first holiday in six years that I will have off completely! Such is the life of a nurse.
- We've been making room for baby around the house. The bassinet, pack and play, and swing are set up and the car seat is in the car ready to go.
Practicing! |
- I'm looking forward to some dates and qt with my husband, really soaking up these last couple weeks just the two of us! I love that man.
- Plans for today include packing the hospital bag {just in case!} organizing my kitchen cabinets, wrapping hubs' Christmas gifts while he's at work and getting a manicure.
- Next week I'll have pictures of the nursery...it's my new favorite room in the house!
Congrats! I've been enjoying reading about your journey and make a very cute pregnant women. I can't wait to see the nursery
I can't believe you're full term!! Where does the time go?! Congrats, you look GREAT! Now if she would just hurry up and show up! Yay for holidays off!
Wow, it's been a while since I've visited your blog and I can't believe the change in your "bump!" Though, I'd hardly call it a bump now; it's more like a mountain.
You must be so excited :)
Your bump looks amazing!! So glad you're taking this time off...you really get to the enjoy the holidays and the last few weeks before baby arrives! Cannot wait to see the nursery!! xo
How are you still speaking in exclamation points at 37 weeks?! I am 31 weeks and so crazy uncomfortable
Almost there! Get your rest now...you're gonna need it!
You look fantastic! I hope I look that good at 37 weeks, I'm only 28 now. Hope you enjoy the holidays and get in some good relaxing before your daughter arrives :)
So exciting-and you look more fabulous than ever! I'm just thrilled for you guys!
Congrats on 37 weeks! You look fantastic. I can definitely commiserate with you about the nurses holiday schedule so enjoy every second of your maternity leave :)
You look absolutely adorable!! I'm glad that you are feeling great!! Can't wait to see the nursery!
so exciting kristen!! congrats on being done (for now) with work, and for being able to focus on the baby and the holidays!! can't wait to see the nursery!! xoxo
so exciting to reach full term! congrats missie!
have an amazing Christmas with your family!
p.s. your belly bump is so perfect!
Baby girl is one lucky baby, that nursey is so sweet and serene! Can't wait to "meet" baby martin!
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