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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nurse's Week

Did you know it is national Nurse's Week?
How cool is that...
Some professions get a day, 
we get a whole week!

Nurses Week is celebrated annually from May 6th through May 12th, 
the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
Coincidentally, it also happens to be my birthday, so it's extra special!
I can't really imagine myself in any other profession.
It was fate that led me to become and nurse, a story for another day, and I haven't looked back since.
I feel really lucky to be able to do something I enjoy, and something that challenges me
while helping others, and making a difference in people's lives at the same time.
Happy Nurse's Week!


Evie said...

interesting statistics! go figure, nurses that work at hospitals are at the bottom of the happiness list! oh well! happy nurses week!

Savanah said...

Happy Nurses Week to you! I did a post for it on Monday :)

Unknown said...

It's also eat what you want day!

Natasha said...

happy burse's week to you darling!!!

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

yah! happy nurses week AND happy birthday!! it's h's bday tomorrow :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

melissa said...

Happy Nurse's Week! I am especially grateful for nurses this week as so many of them took such great care of my dad while he was having his bypass surgery last week. Thanks to you and all the nurses like you who help people when they need it most!

jenny said...

Nurses week ROCKS... because they can either make or break a tough situation. I'm sure you're the type to "make" it cause I sense your compassion. But its sooo tough isn't it??? I couldn't do it. When my mom had cancer... the nurses MADE it tolerable... and gave us hope and happiness.

Michelle (michabella) said...

HAPPY NURSES WEEK!!! My sissy is a nurse. Y'all have the touch of an angel <3

Fit With Flash said...

congrats and thanks for being a nurse! i always love when nurses are in my classes. makes me feel safe should i suddenly pass out or something ; ) you're awesome!

Ashley said...

my bestie is a nurse too! happy nurse's week! thanks for saving lives :)

Mrs. Ruby said...

Happy Nurses Week!! And Happy BIRTHDAY week!!! :)

A Crimson Kiss said...

Happy Nurse's week, and a belated happy birthday!

proceso de said...

Hi happy nurse´s week to you...
i´m studing this amazing career in Chile, it´s hard but i love it!
you have a great blog... :)

a_girl_lifeplan said...

ohh and happy birthday from Chile :)

Megan said...

Happy Nurse's Week to my fellow RN! Are y'all having fun stuff all week? We had a Hawaiian lunch outside today and a breakfast buffet the other day! YUM!!